Diversity results in better performance, greater innovation, and stronger teams. It is essential to our future workforce and vital for ACS. Angela has been committed to diversity throughout her career.
As Associate Vice Provost for Faculty and Faculty Fellow at the University of North Texas:
Sponsor of the UNT Women’s Faculty Network, La Colectiva, and other affinity groups.
Analyzed the University’s climate survey results and developed a strategic plan for addressing areas of concern. Developed priorities and timeline for addressing needs identified by UNT diversity committees and working groups.
Developed and implemented policies and procedures to aid in addressing climate survey challenges and opportunities.
Developed professional development and recognition opportunities for lecturers/instructors.
Organizer, speaker, writer on topics including:
Speaker on topics ranging from non-traditional career pathways, dual-body career challenges, negotiation, communications, implicit bias, to success strategies for women in science at universities, conference symposia, WISE groups, AIP groups.
Organizer and speaker at Power Hours at Gordon Research Conferences.
Invited commentary: “Effective Strategies for Women in Science: Addressing Challenges and Opportunities”, Angela K. Wilson, Nature Reviews Chemistry, 10 May (2017).
Guest Editor, Pure and Applied Chemistry, Special issue on the science, careers, and career advice of top international women chemists
Keynote speaker (with Freeman Hrabowski, UMBC President) at the 2017 National Diversity and Equity Workshop (NDEW).
International recognition program for women in the chemical sciences:
Since 2015, has co-led the IUPAC Distinguished Women in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering award selection, sponsorship, recognition event, and program to recognize outstanding women in the chemical enterprise from across the globe. (The next deadline for nominations is December 1, 2020. See https://iupac.org/2021-women-in-chemistry to nominate outstanding colleagues.)
Development of a new postdoctoral opportunity:
Co-developer and co-leader of the “Advancement, Cultivation and Training Future Faculty Program” at MSU, for postdoctoral fellows and senior graduate students who are traditionally underrepresented in the professoriate. (In partnership with the MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and the national organization, MANRRS: Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences).
At the National Science Foundation (2016-2018):
Started a Division of Chemistry outreach effort to visit HBCU’s and HSI’s to discuss proposal opportunities and the proposal process, encouraging proposals from these institutions.
At universities:
​Michigan State University, Women’s Advisory Committee to the Provost, 2020-2023
Led the development of NSF ADVANCE proposals; co-organizer for a successful NSF ADVANCE Partnership award. A focus of the proposals was upon the retention and success of women in STEM.
Outreach activities: to girls at high schools, Girl Scouts, and students in Detroit area schools.
"I endorse Angela Wilson for President-elect of the American Chemical Society. Writing an endorsement for Angela is a delightful opportunity because her record of professional service is ideal for the mission and function of ACS.
I have known Angela since 2009. Angela’s leadership and guidance contributed towards my tenure and promotion at one of our nation's largest HBCU’s. And, through Angela’s guidance, my university has implemented a computational chemistry research program.
While Angela was NSF Chemistry Division Director, she encouraged the program officers to visit small colleges and universities, particularly HBCU’s and HSI’s, who wanted to submit proposals to NSF and to know more about the process. At the recommendation of Angela, my department received a visit from an NSF Chemistry Program Officer. My institution will be forever grateful for the opportunity and recognition.
Angela Wilson embodies the vision of ACS “…to improve people’s lives through the transforming power of chemistry”. Angela has poured the theory of chemistry into my life, which has made me a living testimony - I am passing on the knowledge that I have gained from Angela to my students. I enthusiastically endorse Angela!"
Bruce Prince, Associate Professor
Texas Southern University
Angela was one of the keynote speakers at the National Diversity and Equity Workshop offered by the Open Chemistry Collaboration in Diversity Equity (OXIDE).