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The endorsements below and on other pages of this site were provided for the 2021 ACS election. I very much appreciate their support! 

"I strongly endorse Angela Wilson as a candidate for President of the American Chemical Society.   I have known Angela for more than 20 years.  I have always admired her high energy level, passion and dedication to the activities of the ACS.  She has served the Society well at the local, Divisional and National levels.  She has also been active in IUPAC.  She knows the Society well and is dedicated to making it a better Society for all of its members and a better professional home for all chemists.  She is an outstanding educator and has had experience as both a faculty member and administrator.  Her rotation at the National Science Foundation will help her in advocacy efforts for the ACS. I am convinced she has all of the qualities needed to function as an outstanding President for the ACS."

Ann Nalley

American Chemical Society President, 2006

"I have never written a letter of recommendation for someone with whom I have never personally interacted.  How then can I voluntarily write to support the candidacy of Angela Wilson for ACS President-Elect, with whom (you guessed it) I have never personally interacted?  For an answer I direct you to her website, and encourage you to read it.  That is what I did, and it produced a "Wow, this is exactly the person I would create with ALL of the desired experience and capabilities to be an ACS President.  This is a person for whom not only are all the boxes checked, but they are stamped with the highest of performance ratings.  She is an internationally-acclaimed scientist, an outstanding educator, and dedicated to the promotion of and service to the scientific enterprise.  I endorse her without the slightest reservation."

Tom Barton

Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Iowa State University

American Chemical Society President, 2014

"Angela Wilson was a tireless advocate for the chemistry community in her time at NSF. She is a gifted leader with impeccable judgment and broad vision. I can think of no better candidate for ACS president!"

Todd Martinez, Ehrsam and Franklin Professor

Stanford University

NAS Member

"Angela’s administrative experience in academia and government, together with her contributions to forefront chemistry research, makes her the ideal President of the ACS."

Daniel G. NoceraPattern Rockwood Professor of Energy

Harvard University

NAS Member

Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People in the World

“As a small business owner,  it is thrilling to find a research scientist who is willing to take on challenges for those of us in the real world.  When presented a challenge of an emerging contaminant,  Angela quickly moved from consideration to research, and has become a leading expert in the State of Michigan on the contaminant. Her involvement with the regulatory agency and consulting community has been invaluable.  She listens, evaluates, and develops courses of action that solve real problems. Her leadership is evident, and I strongly support her for president-elect of the American Chemical Society.”

Douglas McDowell, Vice President

McDowell & Associates

Member, ACS Division of  Small  Chemical Businesses

"I am pleased to endorse ACS stalwart Angela Wilson for the office of ACS President-Elect.  I have known Angela for many years as a tireless volunteer for our national society, a devoted worker in my local ACS section, and a superb scholar in the area of quantum chemistry.  She will be an articulate spokesperson for chemistry in these challenging years upon us."


Tom Strom

ACS Fellow and Councilor, Dallas-Fort Worth ACS Section

"I am pleased to endorse Angela Wilson for the the ACS presidency. Her experience as an internationally recognized researcher, a Chemistry Division Director at NSF, a dedicated mentor of graduate and undergraduate students, and an advocate of diversity equips her well for all aspects of the position."

Donald Truhlar, Regents Professor

University of Minnesota and NAS Member

ACS Fellow

“Angela K. Wilson is not only a first-rate intellect, but also a remarkable mentor to younger chemists and a consummate team player. I’ve watched her become an exceptional scientist, a champion for diversity, and an outstanding leader as an ACS councilor and Director of the NSF Chemistry Division. She will make a terrific advocate for chemistry and for chemists as ACS President.”

Ralph A. Wheeler, Professor and Department Chair

Northern Illinois University

ACS Alternate Councilor, former Councilor and COMP Division Chair

ACS Fellow

"I have known Angela Wilson for twenty years, including time prior to my arrival in the United States. She is an excellent scholar. More recently I have interacted with her not only scientifically but also in the context of her various leadership roles. She holds herself to very high standards in all that she undertakes and she cares for others more than she does for herself. She will be an excellent leader as ACS President and she has all my support.”

Laura GagliardiRichard and Kathy Leventhal Professor 

The University of Chicago

"Dr. Angela Wilson is a strong leader with a proven track record, having served as a journal Editor, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty at the University of North Texas, and as the Director for the Division of Chemistry at the National Science Foundation.  Her sound judgment and welcoming personality make her an ideal choice for ACS President."

C. David Sherrill, Professor

Georgia Institute of Technology

ACS Councilor, ACS Georgia Section

ACS Fellow

"I am pleased to endorse Angela Wilson as candidate for President-elect of the American Chemical Society. I have known Angela through service on several national level committees, and have always been impressed with her leadership. Her service to the chemistry community is evident by her service as NSF Division Director of the Division of Chemistry.  Her research interests cross many important areas of chemistry. Having a candidate with broad scientific knowledge is critical for the society. Finally, she is an advocate for students, faculty, and colleagues, and has been recognized through the ACS Francis P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal and IUPAC Distinguished Woman in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering Award."

Julia Chan, Professor

The University of Texas at Dallas

"I enthusiastically support the candidacy of Dr. Angela K. Wilson for ACS President-elect. Her years of service to the American Chemistry community in a range of leadership roles confirm her experience and wisdom that can serve the ACS well." 

William A. Lester, Jr, Professor Emeritus

University of California, Berkeley

"I am pleased to endorse Angela K Wilson as President-Elect of the ACS. As a 54 year member of the Society, I have known and observed many excellent Society Leaders. Angela will bring excellence and enthusiasm as she joins this distinguished group. Her commitment to chemical safety and the education of our chemistry students in the fundamentals and practice of safety will enhance and expand on the Society’s Core Value of Professionalism, Safety, and Ethics."

Neal Langerman, Principal Scientist

Advanced Chemical Safety

ACS Fellow, CHAS Alternate Councilor, 2019-2021

"I have been impressed by the vision, commitment, and effective leadership of Dr. Angela Wilson through our interactions at IUPAC. Her many contributions to the global chemical enterprise and to ACS are a solid foundation on which to build a presidency in changing and challenging times, when strong leadership and effective teamwork are of paramount importance."

Javier García Martínez, Professor

University of Alicante, Spain

Angela K. Wilson, PhD has worked tirelessly and effectively for the advancement of chemistry at multiple levels of ACS leadership, while maintaining a vibrant, well-funded research program. Dr. Wilson’s unwavering support of science - and scientists- will greatly benefit not only ACS members, but the organization itself. In this time of global upheaval, which can only emphasize ACS’s need to maintain relevance for its members, Dr. Wilson's intelligence, knowledge, perseverance, foresightedness and bravery will sustain the American Chemical Society, ensure that it thrives, and promote chemistry as a crucial contributor to the future of the world. Vote Angela K. Wilson, PhD for ACS President 2022. 

Denise Lynn Merkle, PhD 

President & Consultant, SciConsult, Inc.

Director, Badderloch Woad, Inc. 

Past Chair ACSDFW Local Section

Member,  ACS Division of Small Chemical Business

"Angela Wilson has a comprehensive record of achievements in teaching, research, service to the scientific community, and leadership with international reach.  In all these areas she has earned the respect of her colleagues, and this is reflected in her numerous awards.  Angela is personable, respectful and supportive, and she is a clear thinker and persuasive leader.  She is exceptionally well equipped, especially in these challenging times, to lead the ACS as its President-Elect."

Mark Cesa, Senior Research Associate and Process Chemistry Consultant, INEOS USA LLC (Retired)

ACS Fellow

2014-2105 President, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC

"I have known Angela Wilson for 17+ years, and have had the pleasure to work with her in ACS leadership. Besides her obvious chemistry and leadership skills, Angela is energetic and honest. She will represent the Society well, be an advocate for chemistry, and a fantastic ACS president."

Mary Anderson, Associate Professor

Texas Women's University

ACS Councilor, Dallas-Fort Worth Section

"Angela Wilson is a transformational leader whose mentoring not only influences and inspires individual creativity in the research lab, but expands throughout one’s career development.

I have had the opportunity to work with Angela on several projects, committees, and collaborative partnerships in which I witnessed a natural strategist—with a unique combination of patience and wit—that could walk into any situation and lead a team to drive productivity while fostering innovation and diversity. In my opinion, what truly stands out about Angela’s leadership style is that she does not only hear you, she actively listens.

I say without hesitation that Angela’s exceptional abilities and inclusive attitude make her the perfect candidate for President-elect of the American Chemical Society."

Michael Jones, Research Scientist

National Institute of Health

"Angela Wilson is a hard-core chemist with an impressive track record of scientific achievements. She is also passionate about the chemistry community and is willing to work hard on our behalf. She is full of energy and is very effective with everything she does. I strongly endorse her!" 

Anna Krylov,  Professor

University of Southern California

"I strongly endorse Angela Wilson for ACS President-Elect. She has a wealth of experience that make her a very strong candidate, and I am particularly impressed by her commitment to students at all levels. She has supported over 100 undergraduate and high school students in her laboratory. Nine of the undergraduates received Goldwater awards, and around 40 of the high school students were  Intel or Siemens-Westinghouse national finalists. She has co-led an S-STEM grant to support first generation students and has also engaged in outreach efforts to the Detroit public schools. In additon, Angela has been leading the way in the support of women chemists: among other efforts she has served as a Power Hour speaker at GRC's, organized an international award program for women chemists and spoken out on equity and diversity issues at the national level. All of these factors, combined with her national leadership in chemistry and highly successful research programs make her uniquely qualified to lead the ACS."

Melanie Cooper, Lappan Phillips Professor of Science Education, Michigan State University

ACS James Flack Norris Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Teaching of Chemistry

2020 Award in Science Education, Royal Society of Chemistry

Former Member of ACS SOCED (Society Committee on Education) 

" Even though I had read and referenced many of her publications, I did not meet Angela Wilson until 2005 when we served together on an NSF panel where we were the only two chemists in the room. In a room full of talented, opinionated scientists, Angela distinguished herself not only with her intelligent, succinct comments about the proposal at hand, but with her ability to truly listen to the input of others and then to incorporate others contributions with her own. I immediately became a fan.


Since then, we have often run into each other at various conferences and symposia. I am always amazed at everything that she has accomplished since the last time we had the chance to catch up. I do believe that she can multitask better than anyone else I know. This ability was surely demonstrated recently when she took a new job as the John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Michigan State University in February of 2016 and then began a 28-month term as the Director of the Chemistry Division of the NSF in March of that same year. In addition, this latter position has allowed her to make connections with chemists from across the nation. Thus, I can think of no one better prepared to serve as President-elect of the ACS. Angela has the intelligence, the leadership experience, and the respect for opinions other than her own that will make her truly outstanding in the role."

David H. Magers, Professor

Mississippi College

“I have known Angela as an outstanding theoretical chemist for decades and am convinced that she will do an outstanding job as an ACS president”

Josef Michl, Professor

University of Colorado, Boulder

ACS Fellow and NAS Member

"Angela Wilson has always been the role model for my career in chemistry.  I have been a member of ACS ever since Angela supported me to attend my first national meeting in graduate school. Encouraged and supported by Angela, I attended the ACS Green Chemistry Summer School, served as a session chair for the COMP section for multiple ACS national meetings, played a role in the Physical Chemistry Poster Award Committee, and won the CCG Research Excellence Award. Not only me, but other younger chemists I know, have been inspired and encouraged by Angela, and have made their way into a successful career. She has shown me and many others, through the participation in ACS events and other activities, the very best of what the society has to offer. Her interdisciplinary approach to chemistry, commitment to chemical education and diversity & inclusion in chemistry, and extraordinary leadership skills have made her the best candidate for the ACS President-Elect." 

Cong Liu, Assistant Chemist

Argonne National Laboratory

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